Partner With Us!

“The Good Relationships We Build, Ends Up Building Us”

~Corrie St. Brewster~

Building Strategic Partnerships

Alternative Funding Opportunities…

A.H.C is actively seeking alternative funding opportunities, particularly in the form of strategic partnership investments. We are particularly interested in partnering with sponsors who own valuable assets, such as land, but have limited capital to develop them. Our proposal offers a viable solution for generating passive monthly income from dormant properties. For further information, please refer to the details below.

Direct Real Estate Investing

Turnkey | Low-risk | High Yielding

Main Share Holder

Property Value Increase

Earn Extra Income

High Returns On Asset 

Annual ROI

25 -30% Return On Investment

invest in private commercial real estate with confidence

Invest In Real Estate

interested in investing in the real estate market?  want to earn good returns?

Numbers Don’t Lie

don’t take our word for it, take a look at a.h.c numbers

$7.5 Million +

In Market Value

40 +


24,840 +

Square Feet

100 +


Here’s How It Works

a strategic partnership between a.h.c, the land owner, and savvy investors

Connect With Us

Simply submit an email from our contact us page and one of our team members will connect with you to discuss your property and vision.

Property Details

Provide us with all the necessary documents pertaining to the property in general, free of all obligations and any commitments.

Formation of LLC

The right and the only way a successful partnership is going to work; thereby, the forming of a limited liability company with a share structure is merited.

Design & Submission

Designing and drafting the best-suited commercial structure for the zone location and submission to the appropriate authorities for approval.

Raise Funding

Direct marketing to potential investors to raise the total construction cost for the proposed scheduled project. Subcontracted by our partners.

Profit Share

Share within the monthly proceeds. As the supplier of the asset (land), by receiving a 25 – 30% cut of the monthly generated cash flow. 

Profit Sharing Splits

a generous breakdown of cashflow for all parties involved

10 %

* Property Management

12 %

* Asset Maintenance

33 %

* Return To Landowner

25 %

* Return To Investors

20 %

* Escrow Holdings Account

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Affordable Homes Caribbean | Luxury Properties


Airy Hill, St. George, BB19031

Phone / WhatsApp

(246)842-0305 | (246) 233-9989 

Business Hours

9 - 6  |  Mon - Fri

Rental & Sales Division

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A Subsidiary Of Connect-In Caribbean Corporation